Having now been back in the UK for precisely 31 days (coincidentally, 31 days was the exact length of our trip - including travel), we've fully settled back into the British way of life. To think we've now been home for the same amount of time that we were away is incredibly strange... the month in America was so eventful/memorable that it feels as though it was much much longer. In one way, the trip feels like a liftime away as the lifestyle was so different... However, we enjoyed our time in the USA so much, that it feels as though we never really left, or part of us is still is out there.
Since we've been back, we've often been asked what our personal highlight/favourite moment from the trip has been... a question we've found impossible to answer. Not, of course, because of a lack of highlights, but because every single aspect, day & state of the journey had something very different, yet brilliant to offer. We never would have thought that so many incredible experiences could be packed into the space of just a month... we still feel as though we need to pinch ourselves to believe it ever really happened!
Luckily, we have an alternative, we can just read back over this blog! In fact, now we're home, we have really begun to appreciate the full importance of this detailed diary of the trip. Whilst in America, the blog was extremely important in terms of keeping in touch with firends/family back home and to make them feel part of our adventure. After the trip, we have it for ever as a lasting record of the trip of a lifetime! Even now, one month on, we would have forgotten certain details from the trip simply because so much happened in such a short period of time. But thanks to this, we will always be able to look back at any day from the trip at any time we want and experience it all over again (right down to what we ate for breakfast! ... or any other meal/snack for that matter).
We would also like to take this opportunity to say a few final thankyous...
- To all those who hosted us during our stay; Roger & Trisha, Paul & Cheryl, Alicia, Skippy & Andrea, Z & Susan, Arthur, Bob & Mary... we were made to feel so welcome by you all, and we will never forget the generosity you showed us. We look forward to meeting you all again someday! (we'd also like to thankyou expecially for allowing us to use your computers for all those hours - without that, this blog would never have been possible!).
- To everyone else we met along the way who helped make our trip so special; Be this family, friends, freestylers or just the local waitresses!
- Last but not least, to you, the readers, who have loyally followed the events of our trip and brought added joy to each day through the comments/messages you left!
And with that, we bring the Big Tri-State Tour blog to a close... We hope you've enjoyed it as much as we have and can only say that we hope to be back in the US soon, and blogging once again.
As one final treat, we'll leave you with a selection of our favourite photos from the trip that never made it to the blog...
It's been a pleasure,
John & Joe
PS. Remember that you can enlarge the photos, simply by clicking on the smaller version!