As is now becoming routine, John was required to wake Joe up this morning... this time he managed the impressive feat of completely sleeping through the alarm clock. Joe hopes to match this again many a time during the rest of the trip, meanwhile John is preparing buckets of ice cold water. We had a quiet, relaxing morning at Skippy's house with a breakfast of bagels (we'll be having major bagel withdrawal symptoms upon our return to the UK).
At lunchtime, we set off for Santa Cruz with Skippy and his family. We called at 'Los Pericos' a mexican fast food restaurant and were introduced to the wonderous delicacy that are Taco's (pronounced Toco's by the Americans). We were both highly impressed by our first Taco experience, although the same could sadly not be said for Los Pericos's Ice Tea - perhaps the mexicans are not experts in this area.
We then quickly popped into Skippy's office at the University Campus; an ideal opportunity to pursue the question raised by a few of our commenters on yesterday blog post...who is the university's mascot? Well, we were told it would be interesting to find out and it certainly was... the mascot is a Banana Slug (yes, you read that correctly and yes, they do actually exist)! They are actually just what one would expect... a big bright yellow slug, looking a bit like a banana. John even went as far as to try on the official mascot costume (well, the head part anyway) and visual evidence of this can be seen below...
We then made our way over to the beach where we met Sacramento jammer Mark Regabutti, and were later also joined by San Jose player Doug Korns. We had a fantastic jam on the beach, right beside the waters with many great co-op and individual moves. Jamming with Skippy was a fabulous experience - he's a true master of the game and this could clearly be seen. He even took some time to teach us some against-the-spin moves - an area of play that he actually discovered.
When we were all frisbee'd out, J&J headed off in search of some much needed liquid enlightenment (aka. water). We strolled across a beach side restaurant so decided to head inside and were greated by a most agreeable young waitress (deja-vu anyone?!). Not only did she insist upon providing us with free ice waters (2 each infact), she then proceeded to shamelessly flirt with us, telling us how we look just like the 'Jonas Brothers' (a popular young US rock band we actually hadn't heard of, but she's not the first american to tell us this) and how we should pretend to be them when encountered by US fangirls. Here's a photo of the real Jonas Brothers so you can decide for yourselves whether or not she's right...

At the end of a long afternoon, we packed up at the beach and headed back to Skippy's house for a barbeque. The burgers were delicious and once our bellies had been adequetly stuffed, we did some recording with Skippy for a DiscCast Special that is in the works... be sure to keep your eyes and ears peeled for that one.
Since then we've had a relaxing evening in here at the house and will be heading to bed shortly; we have an early start tomorrow as we make an 8 hour greyhound journey down to Ventura - our next location. Looks like we had just left Florida in time as Tropical Storm Fay is currently causing mayhem and extremely strong winds in Jacksonville! Paul actually went out for a jam earlier today in the exact place we were playing/staying 3 days ago, with 60 mile per hour winds recorded during the time he was out there. Be sure to check out this video that he's posted...
We'll be back with you in Ventura tomorrow,
Double J
Hello :D
Well for a minute there looking at the picture of the alleged "Jonas Brothers" I thought Eddie had flown out to join you; there is indeed an uncanny resemblance. :P
Glad to see you're still all (Double J and everyone hosting) having a great time - you must both be learning a fair few more Frisbee moves with all this jamming time. :)
Or perhaps you're not due to excessive weight gain. Hmm. Judging from the reactions of waitresses throughout America though it would seem not to be having any negative effects in other areas! :P
And I just think I should mention that a Banana Slug has to be the weirdest and most outlandish idea of a mascot I have ever seen. Mascots are meant to inspire kinship, loyalty, courage in the face of adversity etc etc... But who would be inspired to die for the cause when the Ambassador of Peace holding up the Banner of Righteousness is a fruity mollusc?
See you later, alligators!
And a massive congrats to Beth on her amazing results from the Vart family - as mum says "at least there's one person in that year whose worked hard." Well done Beth! :D
I understand that the Jonas Brothers were the winners of the 'Teen Choice - Male Red Carpet' award for 2008, and I hear on the grapevine that in early voting for the 2008 'Waitresses of America Top Table Banana Slug Award' 'Double J' are neck and neck with the Jonases. In fact there is some confusion about telling them apart!
I thought Paul K had flown over to Formby beach for that Video given the strength of the wind !! Hi to Mark who I met at Ostia.
John, waking up Jose in the morning is something of a science. Consistency is the key, and with a friendly 'time to get up call' every 10 mins, punctuated by loud shower sounds, mugs of juice, cooking bacon smells, and if all else fails a blast of the Jonas Brothers tack - SOS - should do the trick.
Hope the Coxhead's trip to Mull/Iona is sun drenched!
Love Dad (Greg)
I am amazed that after knowing Jose for almost 19 years, it has taken you until day ten to realise that you were letting yourself in for some serious 'wakey wakey' mornings, by going away with Joseph for a month!
Ella his 6 year old cousin who recently came to stay, had him 'sussed' in 24 hours and told him that if he didn't wake up when she first appeared 'early in the morning' then she would 'squirt him with her water pistol'! He didn't and she did and it worked a treat!
Even we were awestruck after years of ' loving persuasion' that it took our 6 year old niece to resolve that problem in an 'instant'!
I am sure Joseph will be happy to 'blog' how he has recently learnt to properly "re-assess" his morning schedule, thanks to his Irish ancestry and some pearls of wisdom, hey Jose?
Alicia certainly set you off on a trail with the mascot..lovely photo John, hope its a Fairly Traded Banana!
The Jonas boys is fab, bring us Mum's a cd please..we will 'pay you back'..on New Years Eve! Hey Ho!
Love Mum
I think the slug was amazing! I could definitely see it being a beacon of inspiration in future months eg. fancy dress idea. It would most definitely be individual.
And as for the Jonas Brothers. Music wise, they are atrocious. Have you not heard their smash hit single 'S.O.S' If not. Do not. The renovators would get my vote anyday. Looks wise however, I see a resemblence, definitely where the hair is concerned so no wonder you are getting so much attention. It will be autographs next!
And we need more videos Joe! Your experties, as Jake pointed out, made my day! Please entertain us some more!
Love Jen xxx
Well done Jen, you are the only 'girlfriend' brave enough so far to publish your brilliant comments..where are the rest..? I thought you were going to comment on Joseph's 'heavy sleeping' after I had to knock on your front door New Year's Day in an attempt to try and wake him up for a family visit to his Grandad, which he has never lived down! I am sure you have more stories!
Love Jose Mum!
hi guys
hope the trip is going well..... i can see that our good old british accent is going down a treat ;)
keep up the blogging! im religiously reading it every day....and it is making quite good reading!
Have come to the Ferry Shop to shelter and what do we get - images of the same in Florida!! Seriously, have got a great place to camp and the weather is being very kind by Mull standards.
Hope all continues to go well,
Love Dad
Hi, as i am becoming a regualer blogger now i would jus like to say how gd you actualy are at "freestyling" but compared to me im afraid to say you are long way off yet! The man on the video is amauter we used to DREAM of 60 mile an hour winds!!!
Hope your havin a great time.
Well, what can I say pop stars, frisbee stars, banana stars - there seems no end to your talents and tricks for trying to attract the opposite sex - you will have collected enough waitress's to open your own restraunt in the uk - any ideas for what it could be called. I know grandad and grandma are reading the blogg everyday, but they haven't mastered commenting yet.
Yes the mum's def need a copy of the cd, they sound just right for one of our little performances.
Mull as always is beautiful, you guys should organise a frisbee uk competition on the beach here - how about Iona Freestyle 2009?!
lots of love from mum, blogging from the hebredes
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