Once there, we decided it was time for a quick roller coaster ride before we went back to Z's - see the video at the top of this post for another inventive video blog. After a short spell at Z's we then headed out for a jam at Frazier Park, as we were due a good freestyle session. Again, it was a highly enjoyable jam, and so with winds that were strong but fairly steady, we all shredded satisfactorily. Frazier is just perfect for frisbee, and definitely one of our favourite jamspots that we've visited.
Another short spell at Z's followed, in which we were able to get brief showers and catch Obama do his thing, we walked out with Z and his wife Susan and made for the pier. Having just been there in the daytime, this was an interesting experience. Tonight, the pier played host to a reggae extravaganza, and literally thousands of people had showed up to hear the music, and soak up the buzzing social atmosphere. Not only were there hundreds of enthusiasts on the pier directly in front of the bands, but there were also an equal number sitting below (the 'wine and cheese crowd', as Z put it) on the sand at the side. Needless to say, the music was still clearly audible from this location. We had some food with Z and Susan at the top, then mingled inconspicuously below for a while - also taking the oppurtunity to show some real skills to one of the many people who had brought a light up frisbee to the event. We then went back to Z's.

Now it's time for another night's rest,
All our love,
J und J
Hello John and Joe :]
Well, the theme park certainly did look fun-i loved the video. I think I laughed out loud for 1minute,14seconds just because of the facial expressions! I think it was John holding the camera, so you are so brave. I'm still in shock you didn't drop it!!
And Joe, you should have learnt from last time when you lost your hat, not to where them on roller coasters!! Although, you did take it off half way through. :]
I'm trying to think of something really exciting thats happening in England, but nothing really is! Something may come to me soon though!
Keep having lots of fun in America, and keep up with the 'jamming' ect :] Oh, and of course the blogs!
Love Katie xxxxx
Oh dear, i think i need to learn how to spell my name!!
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