For our first breakfast at Arthur's, we were not only treated to our much-loved combo of cereal and fresh bagels (he's certainly been reading the blogs), but we were also provided with visual entertainment in the form of an all-access pass to his freestyle video archive. When enjoyed alongside such visual delights, the bagels and cereal tasted even better! It was the ideal way to prepare oneself for an energetic day of freestyle play down at Ocean Beach in San Francisco.
Today was the day of Summershred 2008; an event arranged each summer which features a pairs tournament and hour upon hour of jamming. We arrived at the beach at about 11am, where we were joined by fellow freestylers Carl Dobson, Doug Korns, Skippy, Mike Esterbrook, Melissa Trail, Tam Wolfe and Keith Armstrong (many of whom, the J's were meeting for the first time). Once our batteries were fully charged with Powerade and Power Bars, we joined the jam field. The conditions took a while to accustum to (northern California coast lines are substantially cooler than those of the south, and the wind was very strong), however we soon settled in to the jam and many a great co-op was executed. In the early afternoon we had the Open Pairs competition which featured 4 teams... Team J finished 2nd, with Arthur & Skippy taking 1st, Carl & Doug in 3rd and the trio team of Mike, Melissa & Tam taking 4th. After the results had been announced, there was of coure time for more jamming in a now very strong wind (a wind speed of 16mph was recorded at one point!). Despite this, the valiant freestylers persued for another hour or so, before deciding to call it a day at around 4pm.
Back in San Leandro, we called in at a local Starbucks for a well-earned beverage. We made some enquiries into the flavours of chocolate Mocha on offer and were told that in addition to the dark and white choc flavours, a combination of the 2 could also be done. In fact, two nicknames for this such combination were also thrown into the mix with the waiter telling us it can be referred to as either a 'Tuxedo' or a 'Michael Jackson'. For the both of us, it was our first Starbucks Mocha and we both thoroughly enjoyed it... it may well become a regular order from now on.
Back at Arthur's, we spent another hour or so utilising our archive pass, before painfully dragging ourselves away from the screen in order to ready ourselves for an evening out. At 8pm, we departed for Zachary's; an Italian restaurant in Berkely that is a personal favourite of Arthur and Chadi (a close friend of Arthur's, who was also joining us for the meal). The pizza was of an interesting form, with an extremely deep base that is very unique and probably best falls into the family of the Chicago deep dish pizza's. In fact, the pizza is so thick/deep, that it has outraged a few Italians, notably Lui (a freestyler from Rimini, who came across them when staying with Arthur a few years ago) who refuses to accept that they can actually be classed as pizza. When they finally arrived on the plate, they were no dissappointment... absolutely delicious and incredibly filling. Between us, we only managed to get through half of what we'd ordered but thankfully none was wasted as it can be brought home and re-heated.

The rest of the evening has been sent back at Arthur's drooling at yet more of his archive!
Another great day reaches its end,
Ciao for now,
Pardon moi.
I have been a little behind on the comments...I have read all the blogs tho if that compensates at all!
My favourite, as always, are the videos! How they make me laugh. And who was the mastermind who even thought of doing the rollercoaster one?! Genius :)
That pizza looks more like a cake! It is huge. And congrats on your 2nd place in the Frisbee 'jam' or whatever it was.
Still sounds like you having a splendid time. (Especially where there is food involved.) Ooo, and I have just realised, it is September. Your coming home this month! Weird!
Speak soon.
P.s Day 17. I would well have gone for the rides!
So Bagels and 'Pizza Pie' for breakfast then guys !
What there is left that you guys don't know about Frisbee Freestyle probably isn't worth knowing; are you sure that you are not coming back to do a degree in thin round objects (no I didn't mean bagels or pizza pie!).
Now I'm getting confused about 'combo's'. Is a double spinning gitis a type of Starbucks drink and a tuxedo a great frisbee move, or is it the other way round?
Dad (Greg)
Ello ello ello.....whats going on here then?
The blogs are making good reading as per usual JJ-peg!
I am positively drooling over the pizas. Did the restaurant mention anything about international delivery? Although, one slightly concerning point would be the potential for "soggy middle" syndrome. I am some what concerned about that.
I've just bought myself another pair of wheels in the form of a new bike! We have started up a cycling club at work and my old one was wayyyyyyyy too small. Its rather sexy- pick it up on thursday.
I got my 1st complaint the other day at work- some stupid blonde went the wrong way up 2 streets and down a pedestrian area and was greatly purturbed by getting one ticket!!!! My sergeant just laughed at the log!!!!!!
See you soonski!
Hello sirs!
Please forgive my distinct lack of commenting – my Internet, as Jeremy Clarkson once remarked about a new Bentley, is “slower than the Vatican”. I’m sure it was in jest, of course.
Upon seeing the jazzy title of today’s blog however I knew that I’d picked the right time to rejoin the proceedings. I have, naturally, been reading each blog as it comes and what I notice about these latest specimens is a growing ease with prose, a sure confidence in direction. It seems to me both of you have developed into talented travel writers – they are all enjoyable to read and I hope that you will both continue to undertake such enterprises when travelling around in the future!
I have, however, one point of correction. Like Lui, I simply cannot term the depicted foodstuff a ‘pizza’. So vexed was I at this egregious error that, when I couldn’t sleep due to mental torment, I resolved to research exactly what a pizza can and cannot be. After hours of searching, I see the OED supplies the most succinct working definition by describing a pizza as “a flat, open-faced baked pie of Italian origin”. The operative word being ‘flat’.
Frankly I am astounded the authorities haven’t closed them down for false advertising. Pizza fans worldwide must trek continents to eat there, only to be bitterly disappointed by being presented with a mere wannabe. (Although perhaps ‘mere’ is the wrong word, judging from it’s proportions.) But whatever the case, however tasty and gratifying the experience may have been you did not consume a pizza that night. I’m sorry, but that’s life for you. You should have gone to Hawaii.
Anyway, I will leave it there for today. I expect you will want to get back to your “archives” – whatever’s in them sounds like the most incredible video footage ever recorded from your descriptions! What I want to know is, why did you have to go all the way to America just to watch High School Musical?!
In a while, crocodiles.
In my bid to catch up with my cyber-based social life I have also myspaced Joe with news not relevant to this blog - which is incidentally is another example of false advertising. I know Nevada played host to H-Bomb testing during the early parts of the last century but I doubt what is left of it would be happy being demoted from 'state' status. It upsets me every time I read the word 'tri-state'. Shameful.
And now from 'cyber-based social life' to 'cider-based social life' - I'm off out to celebrate my red L Plates. :D
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