We both awoke this morning feeling rather disorientated as we were, as explained yesterday, spending the night at Alicia's. John even spent several seconds staring at the wall wondering where his bedroom door had gone (it's at the exact opposite end of the room to where it had been at Mary & Bob's). However, moments later, once all logic and common sense had been regained, we leaped out of bed with breakfast on the mind. As per usual, Alicia failed to disappoint on the provision of a splendid selection of fresh fruit, cereal, bagels and even scones.
After hearing of Andy Murray's success in the US Open quarter final, we decided to try and find out what time today's semi final game against Rafa Nadal was being broadcasted. However, the task didn't prove too difficult as we simply turned on the TV set and lo behold the game had just begun. Not only that, we were watching it in HD on Alicia's state of the art widescreen TV, so we sat back and boy did we enjoy. We needn't tell the Brits this as we sure you'll all know, but our good Scot was 2 sets up against Nadal (yes folks, you read that correctly and no we weren't imagining it) when play was stopped for the day due to torrential downpours. Simply typical... we come to the USA... experience drought-like conditions everywhere we go... then as soon as Murray is hammering the best player in the world, it gets rained off (?!) in true Wimbledon style. Anyway, you can guarantee the J's will be glued to the TV set for the conclusion of that one tomorrow.

Mid-way through the afternoon, ourselves and Alicia departed for Bob & Mary's where there was to be held a large family gathering. The distinguished guests also included Lance & Shannon (Alicia's big kids and, of course, grandchildren of Bob & Mary), Lee & Kyle (also grandchildren of Bob & Mary), Amy (Lee's wife) and Big Lee (father of Lee & Kyle). Once we had been introduced to those we had not met before, we all sat down outside as the sunlight trickled down over the pool. With chilled beverage in hand, and snacks not far away, we enjoyed a pleasant few hours chatting in the shade before we were called in for the meal. Once all 11 of us had been seated we enjoyed a taste-bud-tingling feast worthy of a Royal gathering, or even a Jonas Brothers lunch break. As we can sense your tongues wagging, we will of course inform of you of the precise components of this mouth-watering culinary odyssey... bbq chicken, potato salad, green salad, some other form of salad, sweetcorn and sourdough bread. Followed up, naturally, with a wide selection of desserts. After another enjoyable couple of hours at the dinner table, we made good use of the finals moments of sunlight by heading outside for quick impromptu frisbee demo and coaching session. We expect to see Lance, our principal student, pulling off an 'upside down indigenous pull to a quad-spinning electrolyte with a backflip' next time we see him. Shortly later it was time to say goodbye, so we said our farewells and waved everyone off from Bob & Mary's doorstep.
From that last sentence, you may have gathered that we are staying back at Bob & Mary's tonight, so hopefully John won't be scared that his door has disappeared tomorrow morning. It had been a wonderful afternoon/evening and we'd both really enjoyed meeting Joe's extended family. To finish off the day with a night-time dip in the swimming pool which, when lit up, was just too tempting to resist. This time the diving contest branched off into spontaneous physical comedy during which many a humerous water entrance was patented ('the cell phone', 'the momentary distraction' and 'the lifeguard pose' being just a few). We also discovered a rather cool camera mode which produced some spectacular shots, some of which we have decided to exclusively treat you to below...
Once we'd dried off and warmed up, we spent some time chatting to Mary & Bob and now we are nearing bed time.
We hope everyone is well,
J 并且 J
PS. We apologise for the distinct lack in range of photos from today, imparticular from the family gathering/meal. We were having such a good time that we completely forget to get any snaps which was a rookie mistake of the highest order.
PPS. A big shout out goes to Edd, who successfully publised his first comment yesterday (about time!)
Just had a Sunday lunch at your house and a wonderful film show of your holiday. Lucky you - and what wonderful friends you've got!
Back to the nitty gritty - I hope you'll both manage to settle in Old England.
Looking forward to seeing you,
Love Nanna
Yo boys
Yay ...Great pool photos (I’m sure you could make a small fortune from those ‘Jonas Brothers in the pool at night’ shots).
Boo ... no family photos (but do try and get some from Alicia if she took any)
Just back from the ‘Great Yorkshire Run’; a really positive experience and not a bad time for my first go, at a bit over an hour. I got somewhat disgruntled during the race as it just seemed that wave after wave of runners were passing me, and then I realised that most of them were at least half my age, and very few were “approaching middle age women, who fancy Pierce, wants to look like Meryl Streep at 58 and enjoy singing into assorted hairbrushes”. I think they were all booked in at the local Odeon for the Sunday matinee Sing–a–long Mamma Mia which by the way boys, Katherine (McCrave) really recommends you should see rather than the ordinary version!!
Looking forward to more ACE blogs by you two Brits
Dad (Greg)
I was lost after the first mention of Lance..Big lee/Lee? Your clearly have a large extended family Joe. But how on earth do you keep up with meeting new people constantly! Confused! But it sounds like you had an amazing night. And doesn't sound like the food failed to impress as per :)
The night time pool shots are indeed impressive! Looks and sounds ('the cell phone?!') like Tom Daly has much competition!
Hope you had a good day today.
Love Jen
Well Nanna almost beat her grandson with the above comments despite her technical difficulties at 85 years of age!
Going to listen to the tennis with Mark and David on Radio 5 at 9.00pm which won't be quite the same as your state of the art widescreen tv.
Well done pappa Greg!!
Have a good day now,
Love Dad
Brilliant Boys..naturally I suppose..today's blog has been the most special for us as you have been right at the 'heart' of the reason we all left ours (hearts!) in San Francisco..our beautiful family and we are all so happy that you have been blest with the opportunity to share and celebrate with them. Our extended thanks to everybody for taking the time and effort to be with you but especially to Alicia and Mary & Bob for ALL their very hard work, months of preparation and planning!We hope SOMEONE took some photos? The pool and you both in it, look simply amazing, but we wanted to see 'the party goers' too?!
Meanwhile, I am worried about Arthur? He hasn't replied me, which bus/train station is he at now? I need to know before I can sleep pls? We have two in Preston? 'Arthur' you just let me know if I can collect you from either?!!
Love Rose
By the looks of it, I'm here.
Wonderful choice of food (but strangely no pizza), though I can't seem to find my way out.
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