Hello all, welcome to Day 3...
Our adventure today began with a rude awakening from a circular-saw slicing/grinding its way through the pavement outside our window. Ahh... the tranquility of NYC. However, it turned out to be a good thing that we awoke early as today has been jam packed once again.
We first headed down to Washington Square Park to meet up with our Californian friend Arthur Coddington - we're actually staying with Arthur later in our trip and he happens to be in NYC for a few days, so we took the opportunity to say hi. We enjoyed a pleasant walk around Greenwich Village (a small part of the city) and had a good catch up.
After saying our farewells to Arthur (for now), we made our way Uptown to Times Square. A truly fantastic experience indeed... the place was bustling with people, layered with tall buildings to every side and boasted a plethora of mind-boggling advertisement screens. Also situated around the square were many incredible stores. After taking our obligatory tourist photos we headed into a few of these - first stop being the intellectually stimulating 'Toys R Us', which was actually really cool. The highlights for ourselves were a Jurassic Park T-Rex and several huge Lego models - featuring King Kong atop the Empire State, the Statue Of Liberty and Captain Jack Sparrow. However, topping even the 'Toys R Us' store was the distinctly more sophisticated 'M&M's World'. Now this place was special - a dream come true for all M&M's fans - name a colour, they have it (yes, that does include Teal, Electric Green & Maroon). Each colour, was supplied in a 20ft high tube dispenser reaching right up to the ceiling - they even did special mix tubes (our personal favourites being the New York Taxi and Indiana Jones colour schemes).
However, the jams were cut short today as the most exciting event was still to come... we were off to see The Lion King on Broadway, showing at the Minskoff Theatre at Times Square. Luckily our new-found tube (or subway as we've been oft corrected here) experience, meant that we beat a tight time schedule with help from a Downtown C train. The Theatre was stunning, but this was nothing compared to the show itself! A superb musical and a feast for the senses... as one New York critic puts it "Awe Inspiring! A Gorgeous, Gasp-Inducing Spectacle!". We couldn't agree more.
So, it's over and out from us for another day...
Tomorrow brings with it our journey to Jacksonville, Florida, which we're looking forward to immensely. Well, not particularly the journey, but certainly the destination.
As a final note, good luck to any UK readers receiving A-Level results in just a few hours time!
You two are certainly having an amazing time!! Sounds like Joe nearly had to leave John in New York - what a good friend! Did you manage to spin a few plates for her? Waiting for ed to get back and his As results. Mega, Mega congratulations to Joe, what an absolute star, we are so proud of you!!
Lots love Gillian
Blogtastic !! Best blog I have read in ages (well actually it's the only one, but I'm sure I would go a long way before I would read a better one).
I imagine John is singing 'I left my heart in San Fra....... New York' on the way to the Airport!
I guess Jose is singing:-
New york, new york
I want to wake up in a city, that never sleeps
And find I'm aaaaa number one
top of the list, king of the hill
'AAAAA' number one etc...
Keep singing boys, in the words of Johnny and June... We're going to Jackson...
Love Dad (Greg)
Blimey sirs – it’s only Day 3 and already you are fixing dates! Whatever happened to the English Gentleman sending epistles of love for three weeks prior to asking her father’s permission to court? Pfft.
Anyway, it has already been said that this is a well written blog. I heartily agree – and I have also to admit that I am insanely jealous of you for the following:
1) Seeing two T-Rex skeletons in one day
2) Seeing a model solar-system (minus the impostor Pluto I hope if it’s up-to-date)
3) Seeing 20ft tubes of high quality chocolate.
I can just imagine you sniggering and saying “Kerry” should also be on that list, but I put your infatuations with this lady down merely to eating too many M&Ms than is healthy for you.
(For the speediest of recoveries I suggest a strict diet of Falafel to be taken thrice daily until hormonal passions desist.)
Oh and Joe - before I forget I believe An All-round Applause for Astounding Attainment is in order – well done sir indeed! :D
Until tomorrow,
Fantastic Boys! Phew I’m glad it was John not Joe who ‘swooned’! Today is not the day to be panicking my ‘Benedictine’ friends at Oxford! Thank the Lord I have Jake going a year ahead of Jose, to smooth all waters! Am relying upon you Jake!
Simmer Down John!
Fab congrats to Joseph & Edward on 1st class ‘Renovators Results’ today and to all their friends and our extended family especially Katherine McCrave and Michael Kirke! But Jose…most brilliant congrats has to go to our very own Jacob, our ‘local hero’ with 6 grade A’s who is quoted on front page of today’s LEP as a ‘National Treasure’…!! (see www.lep.co.uk) but I have got the paper for you Jose! Jake you should be charging J & J for your daily pearls of wisdom! “Well Done”, seems an inadequate Salutation, one maybe more suited to the Falafel!
Love Rose
Sorry Jose..bit techno for me!
Should have been Rose said!
Hi John and Joe,
Thoroughly enjoying this blog and following your tracks. Joe what can I see, 'congratulations'- pretty impressive stuff!! Ed managed 3 'A's and a 'C' in his AS's and looked pretty shattered on his return from France, having spent his last night on the beach!
Safe journey to Florida. Oh, and went to see Mamma Mia this evening with G, M and D. Couldn't help thinking of your mums singing into hair brushes!!
Ah its always fun to write out a long comment, only to find out, I havent got a Google account.
Its nice to read a well crafted Blog, and i did enjoy reading about the sites in new york, and how enthusiastically you described them.
I am of course talking about Kerry :P.
Hope you guys enjoy yourselves, and Kudos to Joe for his fantastic A-Level results.
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