However, the start to the day wasn't particularly energetic, as we had a slow and relaxing morning (or what was left of it), and just 'hung out' with Josh in the condo, catching up with Olympic headlines and discussing the day's jamming prospects. Paul arrived shortly, and after receiving his expert advice on today's weather conditions, we all eventually joined Carl down on the beach.
Our freestyle sessions began with an enjoyable throw and catch warm-up right by the tide, with many catches being made in the water (and a couple of discs having to be rescued from it after wayward throws)! We then moved on to some full-on jamming, and had a great session with the five of us, despite more difficult winds that came from the land. We also took a couple of breaks to just relax on the beach, during which we tried a few alternative sports - involving three 'woggle' floats that had conveniently been brought along. A high-paced lightsaber duel was first on the menu, and was followed swiftly by a competitive javelin contest...taking beach sports to a whole new level.

After exercising our considerable skill in the above areas, we then took a short break before starting the much anticipated 'death jam' with Paul. His sister Janine and close friend Don came down to the beach at this point to meet up with us, and even to partake in a spot of freestyle! Don's head tips consistently brought the biggest applause, and he even got his first ever 'scarecrow' catch whilst with us.
We ended the jam with some big beach moves, and then strolled back into the condo for a much needed cold shower and a freshen up - or time for 'primping', as is the US term. Once fully primped, we left with Carl and Josh for Paul's house, where he and Cheryl were cooking up a big meal for everyone. The company was great, the food was delicious (the best steak we've ever tasted for sure), and we were treated to an array of freestyle videos from Paul's archives; all shown on his 67-inch plasma HD TV screen. On the whole, it was a very enjoyable evening, rounded off by the impressive sight of a full moon (and, of course, the werewolf that casually sauntered past our balcony just now).

Here endeth day 6,
Here endeth day 6,
All the best,
Brilliant Blog Boys...fab fotos!
You are putting me to shame on the Special K diet! Glad to see you took my advice and all 'the girls' are gone! Looks like the boys have settled back down to the 'real stuff' of life, sun, sea, sand and sleep!
Loads Love Mum
Hello there sirs,
Apologies for my lack of commenting. I am sure I looked yesterday but it didn't load the new blogs - I merely thought that you had both run off with some girlfriends and taken to the beach life, leaving everything behind. What, I wonder, had made me to think that?
And I must say - these blogs are brilliant! I do, however, have one complaint (I think Greg has alluded to this problem before) and it is this: Everytime I read this blog I get a vague longing for food and, since my house is currently stocked with the culinary potential of a Weight Watcher's AGM, I am absolutley jealous. Please spare a thought for us at home. Tell us the food is awful...lie to us!
YO.. Jose and John
Sounds like a lifestyle that you could get used to very quickly - one long beach(steak)party.
Beth and I can't decide whether or not to go to the cricket at Old Trafford today due to the typical summer weather! Perhaps you could introduce the Yanks to proper beach sports like quick cricket!
You could probably get up a cricket team soon judging by then number of Coxheads that are flying out to Florida in the next few days.
Beth and I feel that you should be aware of your creeping inculturation as the blogs are starting to exhibit a certain southern drawl, and so the move to introduce beach cricket to Florida will also help you to retain your British identity (and accents which are of course essential to making progress in your social life)
Love Dad (Greg)
Gutted - where did they all go? Flight cancelled!!
Local News;
Man Utd 1 - Newcastle 1
Liverpool 1 - Sunderland 0
PNE have won their 3 first games.
Nana got new TV and mattress.
Grandad cracking on with kitchen.
Take care - all sounds fantastic!!
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